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Hello, is it voters you're looking for?
Oh, Lionel Ritchie, we still sing your praises and lyrics, even here in political communications land.
3 steps to create the character driven story in public affairs.
Even in political campaigns, we are drawn to the narrative of a backstory, the vulnerability and of course, the stakes of the characters.
5 things you oughta know ABOUT CAMPAIGN COMMUNICATIONS.
March 2024 is done, but with the big Presidential Election on the horizon for November, what are some key take aways from March?
The March 2024 election season has begun. Build a foundation now and stress less.
The March 2024 campaign season is quickly approaching. Get insight on what needs to be done now, so you are ready to win!
Dragonfly Public Affairs case study #225: Raise revenue without taxing residents.
Pico Rivera's business tax license had not been updated since 1967 and the city was leaving about $5.8 million in annual revenues back in...
3 steps to managing your lobbyist.
there are 3 critical aspects to managing the process between the client, the government and the hired lobbyist.
30 years later, it’s still “the Economy Stupid.”
Campaign messaging from the 1992 Bill Clinton Presidential campaign may be more applicable than ever. I was pumped up to vote for...
5 steps to facilitate legal cannabis and generate revenue in your city.
5 steps to facilitate legal cannabis and generate revenue in your city. Los Angeles County Cannabis.
5 Ways to skillfully sharpen your position when engaging local government.
As an issue moves through a discretionary processes in local government, it's critical to clarify the narratives that exist, the outcomes...
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